The live voiceover training community
Marketing - Workouts - Socials - Webinars & More
The Pandemic's To Blame!
So where did it all begin?
I'm Brad Shaw, a London based voice actor. Over the years, I've trained as an actor, managed a band, ran a marketing agency and spent 15 years as a jobbing actor and VO. At the beginning of the first lockdown I was diagnosed with skin cancer and faced a year of treatment.
I wanted to engage with the voice-over community and created 'The Wonderland Challenge'. I split Alice in Wonderland into 159 one minute chunks and asked pro voiceovers to record a minute and donate something to the health service. Well what a response I got! I started getting calls from well-known actors who also wanted to get involved, culminating in a call from one of my comedy heroes, Michael Palin. Here's the full story from a blog on my VO website:
During that time I attended monthly voiceover socials and marketing sessions run by other VO training companies. I got to know so many VO's both here and in the USA and Canada without ever meeting them in person!
Well it got quite addictive and when some of the sessions were stopped, I wanted to carry on, so started to hold my own Wonderland socials, marketing and workout sessions and Wonderland VO was born. For the first two years I ran these as a free resource, relying on the generosity of the VO coaches and directors who worked with us. My aim now is to keep Wonderland VO as an easily affordable but valuable ongoing resource. For paid members all sessions will be recorded and available to look back on but almost everything else will be live training.